About TheSquareKnot

Hi – I’m Bradley, the author at thesquareknot.com

As a kid I spent summers sailing dinghies and competing in the occasional race. As an adult (kinda) I I discovered boatbuilding, constructing a 70 foot viking longboat with other maritime maniacs and restoring smaller wooden boats. For me, very few things give the same joy as the season’s first sail or roaring over the waves in a speedboat. It’s about getting out on the water and seeing the world one coast at a time.

What TheSquareKnot is all about

The purpose of thesquareknot.com blog is to share the passion that sailors and boaters experience and to make it possible to provide resources to help keep boats afloat and to encourage people to find a boat and set a course for fun.

Do you have a great photo or general knowledge that you feel the need to share? Feel free to contact me at

We hope to see you out on the water real soon.

Good wind,


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